Sunday, 9 March 2014

Fat Parliamentarianism

There is no real difference between National or Labour. There is no difference; they are merely two different sides of the same "democratic" coin. The stand in parliament, gesticulating and bawling against one another. Spewing vitriol against one another, displaying a brutal lack of conscience.
When their term is coming to a close and elections are just around the corner, these honourable gentlemen and "gentlewomen" become suddenly seized by an irresistible desire to act. Just as the caterpillar cannot help growing into a butterfly, these parliamentarian worms leave the great House of Puppets and flutter on new wings out among the beloved public.
They address the electors once again, give an account of the enormous labours they have accomplished and emphasize the malicious obstinacy of their opponents.
Once they get back into power, the peoples man now changes back again into the parliamentarian worm and becomes fat and rotund as they gorge on the leaves that grow on the tree of public life!
Only to be retransformed into the glittering butterfly after another term in office has passed.
And they persecute everybody who dares to point to the failure of their policies and activities and predict similar failures for the future. If one finally succeeds in nailing down one of these parliamentarians to hard facts, so that this political artist can no longer deny the real failure of his whole action and its results, then he will find thousands of grounds for excuse, but will in no way admit that he himself is the chief cause of the evil.
This is irresponsible parliamentarianism.
Corruption and Self Interest are rife in politics on both sides of the "democratic" coin.

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